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Conference // Innovation Power through Transnational Cooperation

tis 21 apr.



It is urgent now! The CO2 emissions does not drop as expected, cities and regions have a great responsibility to enable conditions for companies and innovators to come up with green innovations in order to find sustainable solutions to our common challenges - and to our future.

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Conference // Innovation Power through Transnational Cooperation
Conference // Innovation Power through Transnational Cooperation

Tid och plats

21 apr. 2020 12:00 – 22 apr. 2020 15:00

Göteborg, Göteborg, Sverige

Om evenemanget

It is urgent now!

The CO2 emissions does not drop as expected, cities and regions have a great responsibility to enable conditions for companies and innovators to come up with green innovations in order to find sustainable solutions to our common challenges - and to our future.

Many of the solutions are found in small and medium-sized companies, who are often too small to act. Therefore, policy makers must support ways to speed up the transition by enabling European innovation collaboration across borders thus, improving on competitive advantages and a sustainable green growth.

We hereby invite you to our final conference with a focus on solutions for creating a higher level of transnational innovation by collaboration in regards to urban development, energy efficiency and sustainable green growth.

We will provide food for thought on how policy makers contribute and enable a greener future. As such, we will present tools for bringing SME’s with solutions closer to the community challenges and foster cross border collaborations and sustainable business growth.

We will share our learnings and reflections gained through dialogues with policymakers, cluster organizations and SME’s regarding the challenges and possibilities of sustainable growth.

Join us and gain insight and learnings on how to support the sustainable transition, improve green business competitiveness and strengthen European innovation.


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