ons 25 sep.
|Media Evolution City, sal: Multirummet
Conference: Local Solutions for Renewable Energy Storage
På denna internationella konferens delas och diskuteras lösningar och verktyg som möjliggör energilagring i samhället, som kan användas av både privata och offentliga beslutsfattare.
Tid och plats
25 sep. 2024 09:00 – 13:30
Media Evolution City, sal: Multirummet, Stora Varvsgatan 6A, 211 19 Malmö, Sverige
Om evenemanget
The energy system in Sweden and Europe is undergoing a sustainability transition where additional intermittent renewable energy is needed to stabilize and fulfil demand. One solution to this challenge is the local development of energy storage, such as batteries and hydrogen. This conference presents an opportunity to learn more about options for local decision-making in energy storage techniques, while market experts share their thoughts on existing and upcoming energy storage solutions. Actors and decisionmakers from the public and private sector working with energy solutions are welcome to participate!
Location: Multirummet, Media Evolution in Malmö
The conference will be in English.
9:00 – Mingle with breakfast snack.
9:30 – Introduction to conference (Per-Johan Wik, project manager, Sustainable Business Hub).
9:40 – Presentation of the project Energy Equilibrium and the tool it has developed (Girts Bohvalovs, researcher, M.sc. in Engineering, Riga Technical University).
10:05 – Optimization of total energy systems (Moa Dahlman Truesdale, CFO, Energy Opticon).
10:30 – Checkwatt: Enabling flexibility in a 100% renewable energy system (Sara Larsson, Head of sales, Checkwatt).
11:00 – Short break.
11:15 – Investing in Battery energy storage for commercial and industrial applications (Iulia Minda, Commercial Product Manager, E.on).
11:40 – Expected developments and business opportunities for energy storage (Jonas Weissglas, head of marketing, EnergiEngagemang).
12:05 – Lunch for conference participants.
13:30 – Workshop with partners in Energy Equilibrium.
The conference is arranged with funding of the Interreg Baltic project Energy Equilbrium, where our partners are developing tools for local energy storage.