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From idea to product with the help from Public authorities

tors 18 apr.



Learn about how Public Procurement can promote the development of products and co-operate with companies during the development process.

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From idea to product with the help from Public authorities
From idea to product with the help from Public authorities

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18 apr. 2024 10:00 – 11:15


Om evenemanget

In this webinar we will learn more about and listen to an example of how Public Procurement can inspire/promote the development of products/services and co-operate with companies (including start-ups and scale-ups) during the development process. In innovation-promoting procurement, the procuring entity defines its needs in terms of functional requirements instead of referring to standards, and the tenderers (entrepreneurs) can also present new types of solution models in their tenders. Innovation can be about a new product, service or process, new ways of organizing business activities or work organization. It can also be about when a product or service becomes cross-industry. Participating in an innovation procurement brings the entrepreneur closer to the user and target the actual value. It may also result in that first customer reference, which enables companies to create competitive advantages on the market.

Through the Diaccess project, Växjö municipality (Sweden) got the opportunity to collaborate with companies to jointly solve major societal challenges. “It was an inspiring way to collaborate, where the strengths of all parties were used in the best way. Collaborations across traditional organizational boundaries led us towards better solutions, for residents, society and all parties involved”.

Speaker: Ms Andréa Swedenborg, Project Manager for the innovation project Diaccess.

The law firm Sigeman & Co. will take us through the most import legal aspects to bear in mind when engaging in an innovation development project in co-operation with a Procuring Entity. What should be considered in order to regulate the business aspects in the best possible way for both parties?

Speaker: Ms Malin Håkansson, Lawyer, Advokatbyrån Sigeman & Co AB.

Short introduction to guide “Funding Export of Innovation” which is soon to be launched.

Speaker: Andreas Englöv Ek, CFO, Sustainable Business Hub.

Participation in the webinar is free of charge.

The link for the webinar will be sent a few days prior to the event.

This training module is the fourth of a total of five that will be arranged within the framework of the BRINC-project. The target group for the trainings are small and medium-sized companies. All training opportunities (stand-alone modules) will cover different aspects of Public Procurement. The webinars will be held in English. No prior knowledge is required.

Click here to listen to the first webinar “Public procurement – Also for small companies? Get inspired! Listen to success cases and learn from companies engaging in Public Procurement”.

Click here to listen to the second webinar “What is Public Procurement? Learn how to navigate within Public Procurement”.

Click here to listen to the third webinar “Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation Procurement”.

Within the project BRINC - Brokering cross-border innovation through clusters *) - we bring together Public Authorities who are looking for circular solutions, with companies. In this way, the Public Authorities gain knowledge about which products and solutions the companies can offer, and/or the insight that their needs can be met in ways that they were previously unaware of. The project will unlock the potential of cross-border Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) by acting as an Innovation Procurement Broker and establishing a European hub for PPI in a circular economy. It will develop methodologies and build capacity for cross-border innovation brokering. 

*) The BRINC project is co-funded by the European Union's COSME program (Competitiveness of SMEs).

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